Taking Advantage of Your Pressure Cooker’s Efficiency

The invention of pressure cookers has been a game changer for those who enjoy cooking. Pressure cookers have managed to greatly cut down the time required for meal prep saving homemakers everywhere from slaving over stoves for hours. In addition to saving time when preparing meals, pressure cooking provides us with many other benefits.

Cooking with a pressure cooker leads to more minerals and vitamins being preserved within the ingredients making meals healthier and tastier which cannot result with complaints. Many households are opting for healthier living and your kitchen will also benefit from the addition of a pressure cooker.

Modern Day Pressure Cookers

The newer models of pressure cookers are much better than the first attempts. They have several built in safety features to protect the person cooking and the food being cooked. By keeping the pressure at a certain level, it minimizes the chances of the cooker’s cover blowing off. This is an important safety feature to keep in mind.

Always Read Your Pressure Cooker Manual

Before attempting to use a pressure cooker, it is very important to read the manual that came with that specific model very thoroughly. After that each piece should be inspected carefully to ensure that it is clean and in proper working condition with no parts missing. Also, it is important to check that the gasket is flexible and not dried out. If it is dried out then a new one must be purchased before use.

Never Overfill Your Pressure Cooker

Pressure cookers cannot be filled to the top. The maximum that the cooker should be filled is two-thirds of the way. However, if the meal you plan to prepare has ingredients that may froth or you are cooking only liquids then the cooker should be filled no more than halfway to ensure safe use.

Use As Directed

Once your cooker reaches the needed pressure level it should start to whistle which is a sign to lower the heat as soon as possible. If you fail to do so your food will likely overcook, losing many of the important nutrients within the ingredients. Once the whistle blows the first time the best thing to do is just lower the heat to medium or low to avoid overcooking but still keep your food at a desirable temperature.

Once you turn the heat off of your pressure cooker it is important to let it rest a moment so that the steam may be let out at its own pace. Once you are ready to open your cooker it is recommended that the lid be removed facing away from you to avoid being burned by the steam escaping.

3 Ways to Release Pressure

Safety always comes first so it is important to know how to correctly release the pressure from your pressure cooker depending on what type of food is being prepared before you remove the lid. After removing your cooker from the heat there are three ways you can release the pressure.

  • The most natural way of equalizing the pressure is waiting a minimum of 5 minutes to a maximum of 20 minutes for the steam to escape naturally and the pressure to drop. This works best when the food inside is meat, a liquid, or something that tends to froth such as grains. Once the time is up you can safely remove the lid and take out your dish.
  • The cold water method works best when the meal being cooked consists of soft foods such as vegetables which can overcook if not removed quickly. This method releases the pressure at a much faster pace than the natural method. To begin you should hold your pressure cooker at an angle under running cold water. The water needs to be running over the lid’s outer edges and down the sides. You should avoid letting water run directly on the valve or vent of your cooker because it can lead to damage over time.
  • The last method is the quick method and it is not to be used with liquids. This method is for meals that require quick additions such as vegetables or spices near the end of the cooking time. Most newer model pressure cookers have valves made for releasing the pressure quickly whereas with other cookers you can merely lift the whistle with a utensil to release the pressure.

Cooking with a pressure cooker can be very efficient if you use your cooker correctly. You can save lots of time and hassle in the kitchen. You’ll find a variety of pressure cooker recipes to start using right away if you don’t already have any. You can even create your own once you get used to how your cooker functions.

Check Out These Pressure Cooker Reviews

If you’re still looking to buy a pressure cooker and don’t already own one you might benefit from checking out these pressure cooker reviews. Learn what others have to say about their choices and the many benefits you may not be aware of.